Whew! That's a lot. But before I could tackle the new year I had to do a little housekeeping first. No, I don't mean sweeping the floor and doing the dishes. (Well, OK, I do have some dishes that need attending now that I think of it.) I am talking about scraps. You know what I mean. We all have 'em. Drawers or bags or stashes of nothing but scraps. 10 yds here, 50 yds there...all remnants of our past genius. I just couldn't begin the new year with so many scraps leering at me, taunting me, telling me how many other beautiful yarns could fit in their place if only they were gone.
So what should I do with all those scraps? Make a blanket? Well, blankets aren't really my thing. I mean, I could make a massive one, and who knows? Maybe I will make one and donate the result to the Long Beach Rescue Mission (it's a homeless shelter and my dad is on the board of directors). Hmm...that sounds like a good idea. Why didn't I think of that first? In fact, maybe I will do just that since I still have sooo many scraps left.
In the mean time though, I have come up with something great! At least I am happy with it. :) Presenting - my Scraptastic Poncho! I used my own pattern, adapted to adult size, and all scraps from my scrap bin. About 85% worsted weight with a few sport weight and bulkys thrown in for fun. No two rows are the same yarn color. Same yarns in some cases, but not the same color. No black, no white. And all but 2 rows are either 100% acrylic or a blend thereof. So many colors, so many textures, and yet I think they all blend together to look great! I will probably add more rows as time goes by because it was a very addictive project. ;)
Here is a Before photo of my Scrap bin...

Here are the yarns I used, all lined up according to how much yardage I had and which colors/textures I liked next to each other...

And here she is! I just love how it turned out!

Close up...