Well, I've been busy. Of course, that's an understatement to anyone with three kids. LOL! I've been really sewing up a storm though. I am notorious for screwing up anything and everything I try to make; it's part of the adventure. If it takes 3 hours to sew a bag, it takes me an extra three hours to rip out all the seams I messed up and start again. But, what can you do? I am finishing a bag right now that is my first attempt at a diaper bag. Well, I wanted a diaper bag that I was not embarrassed to carry about in public. It seems all diaper bags are so...well, Mom-ish. I wanted something that looked like a killer stylish bag, but just
happened to carry bottles, diapers, binkies, etc. It may not look like much now, but it's going to be awesome. Of course, that's if I don't screw it up...which I most likely will. :)

Oh, and here's a picture of my crafting area. See how messy it is? I have bins of yarns and material. I am such a lucky gal that my hubby created this space for me!

Check back soon for a gusseted pocket tutorial. I have no idea how to make one, I can't find a decent tutorial online anywhere, so I am going to figure it out (painfully and with good use of my seam ripper, I'm sure) and then I am going to share with everyone.
Oh, and I had my first craft show! It was total crap and I didn't sell a thing, but that could be because no one came. It was over 100 degrees and it's a brand new show...no one knows about it yet. But hey, at least I tried! I am fired up now and applying for three more (different!) shows!